symfony - GroupBy DAY using Doctrine2 -
i looking way group policies day. trying lot of examples how still there errors. can me this? here show 2 examples, others trying similar those. differences in used sql's functions ex(cast, substring, date...) first way trying is:
$query = $this->getentitymanager() ->createquerybuilder(); $query->select('count(p), p.transactiondate') ->from('glpolicybundle:policy', 'p') ->andwhere(' in (:shop_id)') ->setparameter('shop_id', $shop_list) ->andwhere($query->expr()->between('p.transactiondate', ':date_from', ':date_to')) ->setparameter('date_from', $date_from, \doctrine\dbal\types\type::datetime) ->setparameter('date_to', $date_to, \doctrine\dbal\types\type::datetime) ->addgroupby('day(p.transactiondate)');
getdql() returns:
select count(p), p.transactiondate glpolicybundle:policy p in (:shop_id) , (p.transactiondate between :date_from , :date_to) group day(p.transactiondate)
and error is:
[semantical error] line 0, col 156 near 'day(p.transa': error: cannot group undefined identification or result variable.
and second way is:
$query = $this->getentitymanager() ->createquery("select p, (p.transactiondate) group glpolicybundle:policy p in (:shop_id) , (p.transactiondate between :date_from , :date_to) group day(group)") ->setparameter('shop_id', $shop_list) ->setparameter('date_from', $date_from, \doctrine\dbal\types\type::datetime) ->setparameter('date_to', $date_to, \doctrine\dbal\types\type::datetime);
getdql() returns:
select p, (p.transactiondate) group glpolicybundle:policy p in (:shop_id) , (p.transactiondate between :date_from , :date_to) group day(group)
and error is:
[semantical error] line 0, col 72 near 'from glpolicybundle:policy': error: class 'from' not defined.
doctrine doesn't support many of native db functions because supposed work many different types of databases. you're left 3 options.
- use
class ( - implement custom sql walker. here example grouping day (
- install bundle adds grouping methods
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