perl - Match multiple patterns in unknow order with -

i working on script automate configuration of servers. use module interact server facing problem don't know how solve.

what trying send command server list devices installed on server, , check if items in list. problems list in random order can't know item should expect first.

what i'm trying accomplish find items , exit expect call when items has been matched. keep in mind every server has own set of devices , number of devices have match can vary, solution has solve general case. there way accomplish have tried time , can't seem find solution...

thanks in advance!


edit: have found solution

i have writen function construct array of arguments expect call , make call. reference $self in case own defined object $self->{_expect} expect object.

sub match_all {     $self = shift;     $timeout = shift;     @patterns = @_;      $pattern_count = @patterns;     $match_count = 0;      #function called when pattern matched     sub match{         $exp = shift;         $mc_ptr = shift;         $pc_ptr = shift;         $$mc_ptr++;         if($$mc_ptr != $$pc_ptr) {             #set accumelator before , after string,             #effectivly cutting away matched substring.             $before = $exp->before();             $after = $exp->after();             $exp->set_accum($before.$after);             exp_continue_timeout;         }     }      #build array of patterns expect call     @exp_patterns;     foreach $pattern (@patterns) {         push @exp_patterns, [$pattern, \&match, \$match_count, \$pattern_count];     }      #set notransfer true in order manipulate     #the accumelator on own during function     $self->{_expect}->notransfer(1);     $self->{_expect}->expect($timeout, @exp_patterns);     $self->{_expect}->notransfer(0);      return $match_count == $pattern_count; } 

set of devices

that's magic word. use set::scalar.

if $expect_devices->is_subset($known_devices), have "match".


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