Android window-layering in java -

i java programmer, never put hand on android before. want clear basic stuff different between programming window app , android app.

i know how programm window app has pop windows inside app. example:

mywindowclass m= new mywindowclass(new java.awt.frame(), true); m.setvisible(true); 

but not know how open new view or layer @ android. can give me hinds.

if want display pop-up window, use dialog.

if looking add entirely new layer application, consider starting new activity (you can use either context.startactivity or context.startactivityforresult if interested in returning value (placed in bundle) activity.

you can have layer starting new activity transparent background, there limitations when comes such user input not being passed activity behind it.


if want have "multiple windows" , not have them lose state (unless closed system), can use startactivity intent on you've added flag_activity_reorder_to_front flag.


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