java - How to view PDF data bytes using SWT Browser -
i have function returns byte array of pdf data, , want view in java swt application. not want use jars such icepdf, jpedal, etc. swt , java.
one obvious solution write bytes file "c:/temp/file.pdf" , call browser.seturl("file://c:/temp/file.pdf"). want avoid using temp file if possible.
i tried following, not work, because "settext" assumes mime type text/html. if swt provided settext(bytes,headers) method!
any advice how this?
public class mybrowser { static byte[] getpdfdata() { // details omitted } public static void main(string[] args) { shell shell = new shell(); shell.setlayout(new rowlayout(swt.vertical)); browser browser = new browser(shell, swt.border); browser.setlayoutdata(new rowdata(600, 300)); byte[] pdfdata = getpdfdata(); stringbuffer buffer = new stringbuffer(); buffer.append("content-type: application/pdf\n\n"); (int = 0; < pdfdata.length; ++i) buffer.append((char) pdfdata[i]); browser.settext(new string(buffer)); shell.pack();; while (shell != null && !shell.isdisposed()) { if (!shell.getdisplay().readanddispatch()) { shell.getdisplay().sleep(); } } } }
oh, well. give up. not ideal, guess must use temp file. following works,
byte[] pdfdata = getpdfdata(); file tempfile = file.createtempfile("twiqd", ".pdf"); fileoutputstream tempout = new fileoutputstream(tempfile); tempout.write(pdfdata); tempout.close(); browser.seturl(tempfile.touri().tourl().toexternalform()); shell.pack(); etc.
i have remember delete temp file.
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