c# - BackgroundWorker calling Directory.EnumerateFiles completes before enumeration finishes -
a trivial issue seems.
i have following code snippet. seems completed event fires before enumeratefiles finishes. example, if tb_source.text ... path c:\users\<user>\desktop
set folder hundred or items, works , reference.throttler_numer_of_files
correctly populated.
it looks though if set say, c:\users\<user>
never gets chance find before moving on completed event. perhaps encounters exception when trying count files?
// count number of files within source directory (and within subdirectories) backgroundworker bw = new backgroundworker(); bw.workerreportsprogress = true; bw.dowork += new doworkeventhandler( delegate(object o, doworkeventargs args) { thread.sleep(2000); // give current ui moment load reference.throttler_number_of_files = directory.enumeratefiles(tb_source.text, "*.*", searchoption.alldirectories).count(); } ); bw.runworkercompleted += new runworkercompletedeventhandler( delegate(object o, runworkercompletedeventargs args) { // success, clear launch! form_throttler_copy throttler_copy = new form_throttler_copy(); throttler_copy.show(); this.dispose(); } ); label_status.text = "creating manifest of files... please wait"; picturebox_loading.visible = true; bw.runworkerasync();
turns out issue there exception (access denied) error during enumeratefiles. i'm able catch exception must determine way can continue enumeration, making move on next file/directory.
edit - future reference, details here helpful on how above: directory.enumeratefiles => unauthorizedaccessexception
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