javascript - Pass "this" to a bootbox callback with Backbone -
i'm using backbone , bootbox. code inside view:
confirm : function(result) { if (result === true) { var = this; this.model.set({completed: '1'}); // exception here null, { success: function (model, response) { backbone.history.navigate("index", true); }, error: function(model, response) { that.model.set({completed: '0'}); var responseobj = $.parsejson(response.responsetext); bootbox.alert(responseobj.message); } }); } }, completeprocess : function(event) { event.preventdefault(); this.model.set({completed: '1'}); bootbox.confirm("confirm?", this.confirm ); }
i'm getting error:
uncaught typeerror: cannot call method 'set' of undefined
is there way pass reference view?
as underscore dependency of backbone use _.bind
_.bind(function, object, [*arguments])
bind function object, meaning whenever function called, value of object.
optionally, pass arguments function pre-fill them, known partial application.
in case this:
completeprocess : function(event) { event.preventdefault(); this.model.set({completed: '1'}); bootbox.confirm("confirm?", _.bind(this.confirm, this)); }
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