How to add multiple array values in Grails -
it gives me error while submitting multiple values in database error: indexoutofbond
<form action="emp/forsubmit" method=" post"> <input id="emp[0].name" name="emp[0].name" type="text"/> <input id="emp[0].lastname" name="emp[0].lastname" type="text"/> <input id="emp[1].name" name="emp[1].name" type="text"/> <input id="emp[1].lastname" name="emp[1].lastname" type="text"/> </form>
i using mongodb db
controller source code :
def update(){ if(empinstance.getemp_history() == null || empinstance.getemp_history().size() == 0) { empinstance.setemp_history(new arraylist<emphistory>()); empinstance.getemp_history().add(new employmenthistory()); } = params }
use same name attribute value:
first: <input type="text" name="firstname"/> first: <input type="text" name="lastname"/> second: <input type="text" name="firstname"/> second: <input type="text" name="lastname"/>
and processed array grails when form has been submitted, , populate domain object every loop round :
params.firstname.eachwithindex { value, index -> // use index access values in other array // params.lastname[index] def mydomain = new mydomain() mydomain.firstname = value mydomain.lastname = params.lastname[index] }
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