python - need to iterate through dictionary to find slice of string -
i have function accepts dictionary parameter(which returned function works). function supposed ask string input , through each element in dictionary , see if in there. dictionary 3 letter acronym: country i.e:afg:afghanistan , on , forth. if put in 'sta' string, should append country has slice united states, afghanistan, costa rica, etc initialized empty list , return said list. otherwise, returns [not found]. returned list should this:[ [‘code’,’country’], [‘usa’,‘united states’],[‘cri’,’costa rica’],[‘afg’,’afganistan’]] etc. here's code looks far:
def findcode(countries): some_strng = input("give me country search using 3 letter acronym: ") reference =['code','country'] code_country= [reference] key in countries: if some_strng in countries: code_country.append([key,countries[key]]) if not(some_strng in countries): code_country.append( ['not found']) print (code_country) return code_country
my code keeps returning ['not found']
your code:
for key in countries: if some_strng in countries: code_country.append([key,countries[key]])
should be:
for key,value in countries.iteritems(): if some_strng in value: code_country.append([key,countries[key]])
you need check each value string, assuming countries in values , not keys.
also final return statement:
if not(some_strng in countries): code_country.append( ['not found'])
should this, there many ways check this:
if len(code_country) == 1 code_country.append( ['not found'])
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