android - Can't opening alert/Dialog box after clicking gcm notifications in phonegap -

i've implemented google cloud messaging in phonegap app, have display message in dialog box or alert box after clicking gcm notification in status bar. have googled could't work anything.

    @override public void onunregistered(context context, string regid) {     log.d(tag, "onunregistered - regid: " + regid); }  @override protected void onmessage(final context arg0, final intent arg1) {     // todo auto-generated method stub     log.i("registration", "got message!");     log.i("registration", arg1.getstringextra("message"));     string message = arg1.getstringextra("message");      generatenotification(getapplicationcontext(), message); }  private static void generatenotification(context context, string message) {     long when = system.currenttimemillis();     notificationmanager notificationmanager = (notificationmanager)             context.getsystemservice(context.notification_service);     notification notification = new notification(r.drawable.tbgicon, message, when);     intent notificationintent = new intent(context, kbjphonegap.class);     notificationintent.putextra("message", message);     notificationintent.setflags(intent.flag_activity_clear_top |             intent.flag_activity_single_top);     string title = "the business game";     pendingintent intent =             pendingintent.getactivity(context, 0, notificationintent, 0);     notification.setlatesteventinfo(context, title, message, intent);     notification.flags |= notification.flag_auto_cancel;     notification.defaults|= notification.default_lights;     notification.defaults|= notification.default_vibrate;     notification.flags |= notification.flag_show_lights;     notificationmanager.notify(0, notification); } 

here in phonegap

public class mainactivity extends droidgap { @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     // set <content src="index.html" /> in config.xml     // super.loadurl(config.getstarturl());     super.setintegerproperty("splashscreen", r.drawable.splashscreen);     super.setintegerproperty("loadurltimeoutvalue", 60000);     super.loadurl("file:///android_asset/www/index.html", 11000); } 

please me this, have tried alertdialog box in onmessage method after receiving notification application stopping.

based on code :

intent notificationintent = new intent(context, kbjphonegap.class); 

clicking on notification open kbjphonegap activity. i'm not familiar phonegap (i know native android development), i'm not sure activity is.

if want open different activity, change line.


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