java - How can I change Page Title periodically and switch the change on/off? -
i want change title of page periodically, i.e. add (*) in front of current page title , remove after couple of seconds. want turn title change on , off in code.
i , set page title from:
public static native void setpagetitle(string title) /*-{ $doc.title = title; }-*/; public static native string getpagetitle() /*-{ return $doc.title; }-*/;
but how should write function change page title every 300 miliseconds while adding , removing prefix?
what tried was:
private void changepagetitle(final string prefix) { new timer() { @override public void run() { string pagetitle =getpagetitle(); if (pagetitle.startswith(prefix)) { pagetitle = pagetitle.substring(prefix.length()); } else { pagetitle = pagetitle + prefix; } setpagetitle(pagetitle); } } }.schedule(300); }
this not work. , not know how switch process on , off?
the effect should in facebook. when new message arrive , not on facebook browser tab, tab shows notification blinking.
you have change schedule(300)
you should use 1 instance of timer or save last timer cancel before creating new one.
btw: dont need write jsni access window title, use window.gettitle()
, window.settitle(string)
this should work:
// create instance of timer final myupdatetitletimer mytimer = new myupdatetitletimer(); // start updater mytimer.setprefix("> "); // stop set prefix null mytimer.setprefix(null); class myupdatetitletimer extends timer { private string prefix; private string title; private boolean b; public void run() { string s = (b = !b) ? prefix + title : title; window.settitle(s); } public void setprefix(string prefix) { if (title != null) { window.settitle(title); } this.prefix = prefix; if (prefix == null) { cancel(); } else { title = window.gettitle(); schedulerepeating(300); } } }
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