How can i create custom YMM in magento? -

we developing online store car auto parts
need filter product on base of year,make , model attribute.
create custom module
modules block code goes here...

 public function getyears(){      $attribute = mage::getmodel('eav/config')->getattribute('catalog_product', 'year');      $option = $attribute->getsource()->getalloptions(true);     return  $option; }  public function getmake(){       $attribute = mage::getmodel('eav/config')->getattribute('catalog_product', 'make');       $option = $attribute->getsource()->getalloptions(true);      return     $option;     }   public function getmodel(){      $attribute = mage::getmodel('eav/config')->getattribute('catalog_product', 'model');       $option = $attribute->getsource()->getalloptions(true);      return $option;     } 


via above function configurable products attributes option , values depend on basis of these attribute selection want show products on home page?
how can do?
>thanks in advance..


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