neo4j - relationship types in py2neo -
how can can type of relationship cypher query in py2neo? have piece of code works.
def print_row(row): a,b = row print (a["name"] + " " + b["name"]) cypher.execute(graph_db, "start a=node(1) match (a) - [] - (b) return a,b", row_handler=print_row)
this way can print out nodes connected input node (1).
rock paper rock scissors
however print type of relationship these nodes have.
for instance:
rock beats scissors rock beaten_by paper
what tried (and failed) follows:
def print_row(row): a,b,r = row print (a["name"] + r["type"] + b["name"]) cypher.execute(graph_db,"start a=node(1) match (a) -[r]->(b) return a,b,r", row_handler=print_row)
how can py2neo?
you need use cypher type function ( code this:
def print_row(row): a, r_type, b = row print(a["name"] + " " + r_type + " " + b["name"]) cypher.execute(graph_db, "start a=node(1) match (a)-[r]->(b) return a, type(r), b", row_handler=print_row)
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