SSIS Business Intelligence LookUp task Visual studio Get Data -

please need help, have stagging table on-air(*bts*,ville,region,zone) , table dim_bts(*bts*,bsc,statut,date_bts,classe,idville) dimaxegeographi(idville,ville,zmr,region)

and need yor how idville dimaxegeographi , put on dim_bts using attribute bts stagging table on ssis on business intelligence don't know how id-ville.

assumption: in table dimaxegeographi, ville , region make record unique.

try this:

merge dim_bts target using (     select a.bts, d.idville     air     inner join dimaxegeographi d          on a.ville = d.ville , a.region = d. region ) source on source.bts = target.bts  when matched update set target.idville = source.idville ; 

note: helpful if can post sample data , expected result.


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