c# - XML Deserialization of an XDocument is too slow -
i have strange problem. have sql server database returns huge chunk of xml. in middle have .net c# code. , @ front have 2 projects, 1 wcf , other console app (for testing only).
now when run code xml db , deserialize using console app, runs pretty fast. when run same code through wcf, takes forever deserialize xml. sure, db not bottleneck here serializer is.
i using xmlserializer. cannot switch datacontractserializer because have lots of xml attributes process.
this serialization code in static class:
public static t deserialize(string xml) { t dto = default(t); try { xdocument parsedxml = xdocument.parse(xml); xmlserializer serializer = new xmlserializer(typeof(t)); serializer.unknownattribute += new xmlattributeeventhandler(serializer_unknownattribute); serializer.unknownelement += new xmlelementeventhandler(serializer_unknownelement); serializer.unknownnode += new xmlnodeeventhandler(serializer_unknownnode); serializer.unreferencedobject += new unreferencedobjecteventhandler(serializer_unreferencedobject); if (serializer.candeserialize(parsedxml.createreader())) { **--this gets stuck--** dto = (t)serializer.deserialize(parsedxml.createreader()); } } catch (exception ex) { throw; } return dto; }
then have have manager, lets workmanager uses code:
work work = serialize<work>.deserialize(xml);
and above statement called console app , wcf project.
the interface :
[operationcontract] [webinvoke( method = "post", requestformat = webmessageformat.xml, responseformat = webmessageformat.xml, bodystyle = webmessagebodystyle.bare, uritemplate = "work")] xelement work(stream contents);
and implementation is:
public xelement work(stream contents) { string xml = new streamreader(contents).readtoend(); workmanager workmanager = new workmanager(); workmanager.work(xml); }
a couple of hints:
- get rid of try/catch block. it's not doing you, since
don't call createreader twice, , use
block:using (var reader = parsedxml.createreader()) { if (serializer.candeserialize(reader)) { **--this gets stuck--** dto = (t)serializer.deserialize(reader); } }
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