c# - Reload treeview and open in one place - Dynatree -
i'm trying recharge treeview using dynatree , expand in same place left off, can not. i'm carrying whole, making query in mvc using oracle , returning shortlist dynatree keys defined.
my code:
$("#tree").dynatree({ selectmode: 3, clickfoldermode: 3, initajax: { type: "post", url: "/controller/gettree" } });
to recharge record insert via ajax mvc, way upgrade give reload treeview, so:
then try expand or getnodebykey use, still not work
$("#tree").dynatree("getroot").visit(function (node) { node.expand(true); });
there cookie persistence functionality or can tree.selectkey(val).expand();
val key of need expand.
you can use generateids:true;
option when creating tree can access directly nodes if know id , can use jquery selector.
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