php - webservice not returning a array -

i need webservice, returning stdclass object ( [getofertasaereasresult] => )

i need return array values.

<?php        try {         $wsdl_url = '';         $client = new soapclient($wsdl_url);         $params = array(             'slojachave' => "y2y4zgrkowu=",         );         $return = $client->getofertasaereas($params);         print_r($return);     } catch (exception $e) {         echo "exception occured: " . $e;     } ?> 

assuming data following:

$return = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="    /2001/xmlschema" xmlns:soap12=""> <soap12:body> <getofertasaereasresponse xmlns="">      <getofertasaereasresult>some result content</getofertasaereasresult> </getofertasaereasresponse> </soap12:body> </soap12:envelope>'; 

try this:

$obj = new simplexmlelement($return); $body = $obj->children('soap12', true)->body->children(); $content = (string) $body->getofertasaereasresponse->getofertasaereasresult; var_dump($content); 


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