Spring security, AJAX and SiteMinder -

i implementing spring security login , trying understand something, here scenario want implement:

  1. for initial login show login page , let user in.
  2. if after inactivity session expired , user makes action show him popup window authenticate (js-based popup in browser). continue action there no login form.

implementing form easy, how make popup work - let's make request protected url after session expired, how make sure it's not forwarded login page, login handler shows popup window?

another issue - need integrate siteminder, need read login/password combination , after it's read, forward siteminder authentication, after that's done want return without forwarding.

answer siteminder issue: siteminder installed on webserver behind servlet container. also, siteminder manages authentication , application not have access user password @ all. integrate siteminder use filter: http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.1.x/reference/springsecurity-single.html#d0e6295.

answer login popup issue: since need integrate siteminder, not recommend implement login via popup.


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