How to return mongodb in specific json layout? -
i have test data querying using java mongodb client. familiarizing myself platform , have been been able run basic queries.
public class returnjson { public static void main(string[] args) { try { mongoclient mongoclient = new mongoclient("localhost", 27017); db db = mongoclient.getdb("test"); dbcollection table = db.getcollection("zips"); basicdbobject searchquery = new basicdbobject(); searchquery.put("pop", new basicdbobject("$gt", 25000).append("$lt", 26000)); dbcursor cursor = table.find(searchquery); while (cursor.hasnext()) { system.out.println(; } cursor.close(); } catch (unknownhostexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } } }
however, turn standard output java client gives me..
{ "city": "huntsville", "loc": [ -86.567318, 34.726866 ], "pop": 25513, "state": "al", "_id": "35801" } { "city": "montgomery", "loc": [ -86.243394, 32.383443 ], "pop": 25282, "state": "al", "_id": "36109" }
into bits need, i.e.
{ "city" : "huntsville" , "pop" : 25513 } { "city" : "montgomery" , "pop" : 25282 }
i have seen bson , mongojack, not sure if need.
the plan me make information available via rest service, question later on.
many thanks.
ok, after digging, found needed this...
basicdbobject searchquery = new basicdbobject(); basicdbobject fields = new basicdbobject(); searchquery.put("pop", new basicbsonobject("$gt", 25000).append("$lt", 25100)); fields.put("city", 1); fields.put("pop", 1); fields.put("_id", 0); dbcursor cursor = table.find(searchquery, fields);
this returned...
{ "city" : "fort ord" , "pop" : 25009} { "city" : "lakewood" , "pop" : 25008}
which needed.
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