Android: change button color programmatically with defined drawable -

i have:

public button[] getbuttons(int buttoncount, list<string> buttonheaders, context activity) {     button[] result = new button[buttoncount];      (int = 0; < buttoncount; i++) {          result[i] = new button(activity);          result[i].setid(i);         result[i].settext(buttonheaders.get(i));         result[i].setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.buttons_shape);         result[i].setbackgroundcolor(randomcolor(activity));         result[i].settextcolor(activity.getresources().getcolor(r.color.white));         result[i].setwidth(360);         result[i].setheight(100);     }     return result; } 

but in drawable is:

 <solid android:color="@color/white"/>      <corners         android:bottomrightradius="10dp"         android:bottomleftradius="10dp"         android:topleftradius="10dp"         android:toprightradius="10dp"/> 

but define program color, because color random, , when change background return default design (ps. sorry english :p)

you can't both.. either can view.setbackgrounddrawable(drawable); or view.setbackgroundcolor(color);


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