java - How to utlilize Error Collector for junit testing methods with parameters -

i using errorcollector in junit test case aim of printing out errors , not stopping @ erroneous locations. tried errorcollector using methods without parameters. reduce code duplicacy (i wrote same method 6 times without parameter ; since using 6 files comparison seen in code), have generic method can used achieve same purpose of printing out errors , continuing check. when tried using method parameter got exception "method should have no parameters"..

the following code.

            import org.gdal172.ogr.ogr;             import org.hamcrest.corematchers;             import org.junit.rule;             import org.junit.test;             import org.junit.rules.errorcollector;             import org.junit.runner.junitcore;             import org.junit.runner.result;             import org.junit.runner.notification.failure;              public class dgntester {                 private readdgn readdgn = new readdgn();                 private linkedhashmap<string, integer> layermapcountforcompare = new linkedhashmap<string, integer>();                 @rule                 public  errorcollector collector = new errorcollector();                  private file output = null;                 static {                     // perform ogr format registration once                     if (ogr.getdrivercount() == 0)                         ogr.registerall();                 }                  /**                  * @param args                  */                 public static void main(string[] args) {                      dgntester dtest = new dgntester();                      string dgnfilename_43k10 = "input\\43k10.dgn";                     string dgnfilename_43k11 = "input\\43k11.dgn";                     string dgnfilename_43k12 = "input\\43k12.dgn";                      //the 6 files iam using input.                      dtest.test(dgnfilename_43k10, "dvd");                     dtest.test(dgnfilename_43k10, "all");                     dtest.test(dgnfilename_43k11, "dvd");                     dtest.test(dgnfilename_43k11, "all");                     dtest.test(dgnfilename_43k12, "dvd");                     dtest.test(dgnfilename_43k12, "all");                  }                  @test                 public void test(string filename, string inputtype) {                     system.out.println("for file -->" + filename);                     system.out                             .println("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");                     string fileidentifier = filename.substring(6, 11);                     string dstfilepath = null;                     string outputname = null;                     if (layermapcountforcompare != null)                         layermapcountforcompare.clear();                      if (inputtype.equals("dvd")) {                         dstfilepath = "f:\\eclipse_helios_3.6.1_64_bit_with_jre_and_add-ons\\eclipse\\resources\\dst\\dvd.dst";                         outputname = "output\\outputfile_" + fileidentifier                                 + "_dvd.dst.txt";                     }                     if (inputtype.equals("all")) {                         dstfilepath = "f:\\eclipse_helios_3.6.1_64_bit_with_jre_and_add-ons\\eclipse\\resources\\dst\\alllayers.dst";                         outputname = "output\\outputfile_" + fileidentifier + ".txt";                     }                     layermapcountforcompare = readdgn.getlayerfeaturecount(filename,                             dstfilepath);                      // read text output file , compare map. these 6 out put files against each input file                      output = new file(outputname);                      if (output.exists()) {                         try {                             set keys = layermapcountforcompare.keyset();                             iterator itr = keys.iterator();                             string key = "";                             integer val;                              string line;                             bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(new filereader(output));                             while ((line = br.readline()) != null && itr.hasnext()) {                                 key = (string);                                 val = layermapcountforcompare.get(key);                                 string compare = key + "=" + val;                                 compare.trim();                                 line.trim();                                 //when print out in positive scenario; able see values of 'compare' , 'line' same                                 /*system.out.println("compare >>> " + compare                                         + " --------------- , --------- line " + line);*/                                  assertequals("comparing input , output", line, compare);                             }                             br.close();                          } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {                             // todo auto-generated catch block                             e.printstacktrace();                         } catch (ioexception e) {                             // todo auto-generated catch block                             e.printstacktrace();                         }                     } else {                         system.out.println("output file not exist");                     }                  }                  public void assertequals(string msg, object expected, object actual) {                      collector.checkthat(actual, corematchers.equalto(expected));                  }              } 

in previous example; did not use parameters;

    result result = junitcore.runclasses(dgntester.class);      (failure failure : result.getfailures()) {                 system.out.println(failure.tostring());             }             if (result.wassuccessful()) {                 system.out.println("tests finished successfully...");             } 

this code helped in triggering test methods , print appropriate methods.
can please guide me how can use generic method thet takes 2 parameters utilize errorcollector.

how utlilize error collector junit testing methods parameters

the @test annotation doesn't support test methods parameters in signature.


trying run method brokentest exception thrown. correct test method in junit should correcttest:

/** method uses parameters in signature. not work! */ @test public void brokentest(string filename) {...}  /** correct test method has no parameters in signature. */ @test public void correcttest() {...} 

parameterized tests junit

to support parameterized testing can use @runwith(parameterized.class) annotation (class-level).

the test class needs static method returns parameters in iterable (like list object). annotate method @parameters.

furthermore need public(!) member variable each parameter used, each 1 annotated @parameter(0), @parameter(1), , on.

thus junit run testwithparameters() each test case produced createparameters() method. automatically assign correct parameters @parameter(n) fields (firstparameter/secondparameter).

you can produce many parameters need.

use these parameters in test methods needed refering field names.

example excerpt of class provided:

@runwith(parameterized.class) public class dgntester {     @rule     public  errorcollector collector = new errorcollector();      /**      * method generates parameters.      * each testvalues.add(...) line produces new test case.      *      * @return array test values.      */     @parameters     public static iterable<object[]> createparameters() {         list<object[]> testvalues = new arraylist<>();          try {             testvalues.add(new object[]{"pre-case1-value1", "case1-value2"});             testvalues.add(new object[]{"case2-param1", "case2-value2"});             testvalues.add(new object[]{"pre-case3-value1", "case3-value2"});         }          return testvalues;     }      /** first parameter. */     @parameter(0)     public string firstparameter;      /** second parameter. */     @parameter(1)     public string secondparameter;      /** test using parameters generated createparameters().        * in example check, if first parameter equal       * concatenation of string "pre-" , second parameter */     @test     public void testwithparameters() {         assertthat("wrong parameter values", firstparameter,              is("pre-" + secondparameter));     }      ... } 


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