networking - Android device returns invalid IP address -
hello using code below ip address of android device,
private string returnipadrress() { string ipaddress = null; try { (enumeration<networkinterface> en = networkinterface.getnetworkinterfaces(); en.hasmoreelements();) { networkinterface intf = en.nextelement(); (enumeration<inetaddress> enumipaddr = intf.getinetaddresses(); enumipaddr.hasmoreelements();) { inetaddress inetaddress = enumipaddr.nextelement(); if (!inetaddress.isloopbackaddress()) { ipaddress = inetaddress.gethostaddress().tostring(); } } } } catch (socketexception ex) { log.e("serveractivity", ex.tostring()); return null; } return ipaddress; }
when test on galaxy tablet(os=2.3) works fine , gives me valid ip address.
i have test on emulator(os=2.2) , gives me ip address valid guess.
but when run on micromax canvas(os=4.1) gives me ip address fe80::d0b3:3fff:fe9d:f68c%p2p0 wrong.
is because of different os version?
how can solve this?
try method:
public static string getipaddress() { try { list<networkinterface> interfaces = collections.list(networkinterface.getnetworkinterfaces()); (networkinterface intf : interfaces) { list<inetaddress> addrs = collections.list(intf.getinetaddresses()); (inetaddress addr : addrs) { if (!addr.isloopbackaddress()) { string saddr = addr.gethostaddress().touppercase(); boolean isipv4 = inetaddressutils.isipv4address(saddr); if (isipv4 && intf.getdisplayname().startswith("wlan")) { return saddr; } } } } } catch (exception ex) { return null; } return null; }
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