vb.net - how to look up a a value from another datatable and display it in an unbound column of a bound datagridview -

i'm sorry, tried search answer i'm having hard time translating examples i've found own scenario.

i have ms access database has "employees" table following columns:

"employee id", "name", "middle", "last", "hire date", "fired date".

another table "work" has columns:

"date", "employee id", "activity", "hours worked", "department", "shift", "equipment used",

a datagridview bound "work" table. call fillbydate() query made query editor @ design time entries specific date loaded.

i create unbound column display name (name, middle, , last) of employee "employees table" using employee id find it.

i'm new coding vb.net, might reason why don't understand or find right examples. appreciate sample code , comments each step see how things working.

just fyi i'm reading couple of coding books: practical database programming vb.net, visual basic 2010, masterig ms visual basic 2010

thank in advance.

a better way create sql query join tables based on employee id field , filter data based on date field. datagridview binded datatable filled based on sql query.

sample code :

dim filterstr1 string = "03/01/2013" dim dbpathstr1 string = "c:\db1.mdb"  private sub button1_click(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) handles button1.click     dim sqlconnstr1 string = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & dbpathstr1 & ";"      dim sqlstr1 string = <sql>                                 select                                     w.[date]                                     ,w.[employee id]                                     ,w.[activity]                                     ,w.[hours worked]                                     ,w.[department]                                     ,w.[shift]                                     ,w.[equipment used]                                     ,e.[name]                                     ,e.[middle]                                     ,e.[last]                                 [work] w                                 inner join [employees] e                                     on w.[employee id] = e.[employee id]                                 w.[date] = #<%= filterstr1 %>#                             </sql>.value      dim oledbadap1 new oledbdataadapter(sqlstr1, sqlconnstr1)     dim sqldtable1 new datatable      oledbadap1.fill(sqldtable1)     datagridview1.datasource = sqldtable1      oledbadap1.dispose() end sub 

to use code need change value of variable dbpathstr1 path of ms access database , set date value filterstr1 variable.


the value of filterstr1 variable can assigned using datetimepicker control. need add datetimepicker control on form , add following code.

private sub datetimepicker1_valuechanged(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) handles datetimepicker1.valuechanged     filterstr1 = datetimepicker1.value.tostring("dd/mm/yyyy") end sub 


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