c# - Post back list of addresses and send out emails FAIL ON SMTP -
post address post method. want send email address:
[httppost, actionname("index")] public actionresult indexpost(suppliersindexvm allsuppliers) { mailmessage mail = new mailmessage(); smtpclient smtpserver = new smtpclient("smtp.gmail.com"); mail.from = new mailaddress("martin.lagan@umac-solutions.co.uk"); mail.to.add("martin.lagan@umac-solutions.co.uk"); mail.subject = "order"; mail.body = "i order following..."; smtpserver.send(mail); return redirecttoaction("index"); }
error coming last line: smptpserver.sed(mail)...
the smtp server requires secure connection or client not authenticated. server response was: 5.7.0 must issue starttls command first. b20sm10938791wiw.4 - gsmtp
any ideas guys.....also how can add tables etc email sending...cheers
i believe error due gmail requiring authentication before can allow send email through its' smtp server. can try add below code rid of issue.
smtpserver.enablessl = true; smtpserver.deliverymethod = smtpdeliverymethod.network; smtpserver.usedefaultcredentials = false; smtpserver.credentials = new system.net.networkcredential("emailaddress","password");
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