delphi - Idhttp post session expire -

i'm using idhttp (indy10 delphi-xe2) post form, session expired message site, although i've set cookie manager. thank you.

procedure tform2.idcookiemanager1newcookie(asender: tobject; acookie: tidcookie; var vaccept: boolean); begin   showmessage(acookie.cookietext); end; 

the result showmessage is: asp.net_sessionid=enn1xnqde1o1rduedels5fqp; path=/;; httponly; max-age=252028195945; expires=fri, 31-dec-9999 16:59:59 gmt

when both max-age , expires present in cookie, max-age takes priority , expires ignored, per rfc 6265. max-age expressed in seconds current clock time. max-age value of 252028195945 ~7991 years in future! adding current clock creates date in year 10004, tdatetime cannot represent (9999 highest year supports). getting rounding issue expiration date being set negative value, representing date in past, not future, expiring cookie before can ever sent http server.


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