c# - Finding method def for error signature on Windows XP SP3 PC -
i trying find system.dll file open ildasm.exe , find method definition , offset , see why application crashing on windows xp machines only. trying open correct dll assembly listed in error signature? i'm looking in c:\program files (x86)\reference assemblies\microsoft\framework\v3.5 @ system.core.dll because has system namespace in when opened ildasm.exe.
the same program runs fine on windows 7 pc.
i have following error signature attempting run application on windows xp machine service pack 3.
error signature eventtype: clr20r3 p1: myapplication.exe >is exe file name p2: >is exe file assembly version number p3: 51e6a3d8 >is exe file stamp p4: system >is faulting assembly full name p5: >is faulting assembly version p6: 5073c71b >is faulting assembly timestamp p7: 3d57 >is faulting assembly method def p8: bd >is faulting method il offset within faulting method p9: system.invalidoperationexception >exception type thrown
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