TCL Grey Checkbuttons -
i have been looking through several online resources trying checkbutton grey out when button selected. however, of attempts, cannot seem work.
the following example @ work: 3 checkboxes called chkall, chkbalanced, , chkfxo. let's when chkall selected , in active state chkbalanced, , chkfxo unchecked. i've tried use if-statement looks @ state of chkall complains having state issue in conditional portion of block. should consider using variables, if how implement them? know checkbuttons have -variable option don't know how use it
if you're trying make exclusive choice, should not using checkbuttons. describing behavior of radiobuttons.
to use radiobuttons create 2 or more , give them same variable. able pick 1 @ time.
foreach value {chkall chkbalanced chkfxo} { radiobutton .rb-$value -text $value -variable myvar \ -justify left -value $value pack .rb-$value -side top -fill x -anchor w }
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