c - segmentation fault while running the programme -

i have written code parsing string words. here code. can 1 here fix segmentation fault error during run time?

calling fun :

int main() {     int count = 0, i;           // count hold numbr of words in string line.      char buf[max_lenths];   // buffer hold string      char *options[max_orgs]; // options hold words got after parsing.      printf("enter string");      scanf("%s",buf);      count = parser(buf,options); // calling parser      for(i = 0; < count; ++i)      printf("option %d %s", i, options[i]);      return 0;   } 

called function:

int parser(char str[], char *orgs[]) {     char temp[1000];//(char *)malloc(strlen(str)*sizeof(char));     int list = 0;      strcpy(temp, str);      *orgs[list]=strtok(str, " \t ");      while(((*orgs[list++]=strtok(str," \t"))!=null)&&max_orgs>list)         list++;      printf("count =%d",list);      return list;  } 

note : i'm trying learn c these days, can 1 tutorial (pdf) or site learn these strings pointers, , sending string functions arguments?

int parser(char str[], char *orgs[]){     int list=0;      orgs[list]=strtok(str, " \t\n");     while(orgs[list]!=null && ++list < max_orgs)         orgs[list]=strtok(null," \t\n");     printf("count = %d\n",list);     return list; } int main(){     int count=0,i;     char buf[max_lenths];     char *options[max_orgs];     printf("enter string: ");     fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);//input include space character     count=parser(buf,options);     for(i=0;i<count;++i)         printf("option %d %s\n",i,options[i]);     return 0; } 


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