mvc 3 - Partial View vs Json In MVC3 -

i using mvc3 razor new stuck below point.

in code giving ajax call using jquery json passing array of selected list on

button click on controller side , performing opration there , trying

call "partial view" can not see contents of partial view on page(not got render).

can on this.

jquery code:

        $(function () {          $('#btnadd').click(function () {                 var selectedlist = [];      $("#ddlsupplementalcalculationlist option:selected").each(function (i, selected) {            var $this = $(this);            selectedlist.push({ id: $this.val(), value: $this.text() });        });       getcalculationlistgrid(selectedlist)         });      });            function getcalculationlistgrid(selectedlist) {          $.ajax(           {          url: "addselectedlist/supplementalpricing",            type: "post",            datatype: "json",             traditional: true,                data: {selectedlist: json.stringify(selectedlist)},            success: function (response) {              }           });          } 

controller code:

        public actionresult addselectedlist(string selectedlist)           {         var js = new javascriptserializer();         var deserializedselectedlist = (object[])js.deserializeobject(selectedlist);         var selectedcalculationlist = new list<selectedcalculationlistmodel>();          if (deserializedselectedlist != null)         {             foreach (dictionary<string, object> calclist in deserializedselectedlist)             {              selectedcalculationlist.add(new selectedcalculationlistmodel(calclist));             }         }          list<assigncalculationssourcedatamodel> lstassigncalculationssourcedatamodel =            new list<assigncalculationssourcedatamodel>();         assigncalculationssourcedatamodel assigncalculationssourcedatamodel = new           assigncalculationssourcedatamodel();            assigncalculationssourcedatamodel.selectedcalculationnamescollection =            selectedcalculationlist;          lstassigncalculationssourcedatamodel.add(assigncalculationssourcedatamodel);            return partialview("partialassigncalculationgrid",                                        lstassigncalculationssourcedatamodel);      } 

partial view:

    @model ilist<bnym.equinox.accounting.web.portal.models.pricing.assigncalculationssourcedatamodel>  

@if (model != null) {

  <div id="dvgrid">     <table id="grid" style="table-layout: fixed;">              <tr class="gridheaders">                 <td colspan="13" align="center">                     assigned calculations                 </td>             </tr>             <tr class="gridheaders">                 <td colspan="4" style="width:212px">                     assigned calculations usage                 </td>                 <td colspan="9" style="width:190px">                     hirarchical pricing                 </td>             </tr>          <tr class="gridheaders">             <td class="checkbox" style="width:20px">                 <input type="checkbox" name="selectall" id="selectall"              onclick="checkall(this);"                     title="select all" />             </td>             <td style="width:220px">                 calculation name             </td>             <td class ="lblcalculationpurpose">                 calculation purpose             </td>             <td class ="ddlroundingrules">                 pricing calculation level             </td>             <td  class ="ddlroundingrules">                 rounding rule             </td>             <td class ="ddlroundingrules">                 rounding type             </td>             <td  class = "ddlroundingprecision">                 precision             </td>             <td class = "txtassigncalculation">                 investone security identifier             </td>             <td class = "txtassigncalculation">                 hp rate source current             </td>             <td class = "txtassigncalculation">                 hp rate source forward             </td>             <td class = "ddluserbank">                 userbank             </td>             <td class = "txtassigncalculation">                 hp rate time             </td>             <td class = "txtassigncalculation">                 hp rate type             </td>         </tr>          <tbody id="dvbody">             @for (var items = 0; items < model.count; items++)             {                 (var item = 0; item < model                 [items].selectedcalculationnamescollection.count; item++)                 {                     (var index = 0; index < 3; index++)                     {                         var calculationpurpose = string.empty;                          <tr>                         <td style="width: 20px">                         @html.checkbox("check", new { @id = "1", @class = "sel",                        @onclick = "uncheckheadercb(this);" })                         </td>                         <td style="width: 220px">                         @model[items].selectedcalculationnamescollection[item].value                     </td>                         <td class="lblcalculationpurpose">                         @if (model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals                       ("hp"))                         {                             if (index == 0)                             {                                 calculationpurpose = "hp – trading nav";                                 @html.label(calculationpurpose)                              }                             else if (index == 1)                             {                                 calculationpurpose = "hp - performance nav";                                 @html.label(calculationpurpose)                              }                         }                         else if (model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower                    ().equals("dissemination"))                         {                             calculationpurpose = "dissemination";                             @model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose                         }                         else if (model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower                      ().equals("both"))                         {                             if (index == 0)                             {                                 calculationpurpose = "hp – trading nav";                                 @html.label(calculationpurpose)                              }                             else if (index == 1)                             {                                 calculationpurpose = "hp - performance nav";                                 @html.label(calculationpurpose)                              }                             else if (index == 2)                             {                                 calculationpurpose = "dissemination";                                 @html.label(calculationpurpose)                              }                         }                     </td>                         <td class="ddlroundingrules">                         @if ((model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals                              ("both") && calculationpurpose.tolower().equals                      ("dissemination")) || model                  [items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals("dissemination"))                         {                             if (model[items].pricingcalculationlevelscollection !=                           null)                             {                                 @html.dropdownlist("ddlcalculationlevel", new                    selectlist((system.collections.ienumerable)model                     [items].pricingcalculationlevelscollection, "id", "value"), new {                         @class                        = "ddlroundingrules" })                             }                         }                         </td>                     @if ((model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals                ("both") && !calculationpurpose.tolower().equals("dissemination")) ||                 model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals("hp"))                     {                         <td class="ddlroundingrules">                         @if (model[items].roundingrulescollection != null)                         {                             @html.dropdownlist("ddlroundingrule", new selectlist             ((system.collections.ienumerable)model              [items].roundingrulescollection, "id", "value"), new { @class              = "ddlroundingrules" })                         }                        </td>                     }                     else                     {                         <td class="tdbackground"></td>                     }                      @if ((model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals               ("both") && !calculationpurpose.tolower().equals("dissemination")) ||                model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals("hp"))                     {                         <td class="ddlroundingrules">                         @if (model[items].roundingtypescollection != null)                         {                             @html.dropdownlist("ddlroundingtypes", new selectlist                 ((system.collections.ienumerable)model          [items].roundingtypescollection, "id", "value"), new { @class          = "ddlroundingrules" })                         }                         </td>                     }                     else                     {                         <td class="tdbackground"></td>                     }                      @if ((model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals          ("both") && !calculationpurpose.tolower().equals("dissemination")) || model         [items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals("hp"))                     {                         <td class="ddlroundingprecision">                         @if (model[items].roundingprecisionscollection != null)                         {                              @html.dropdownlist("ddlroundingprecision", new selectlist            ((system.collections.ienumerable)model            [items].roundingprecisionscollection, "id", "value"), new { @class             = "ddlroundingprecision" })                         }                         </td>                     }                     else                     {                         <td class="tdbackground"></td>                     }                      @if ((model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals              ("both") && !calculationpurpose.tolower().equals("dissemination")) ||               model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals("hp"))                     {                         <td class="txtassigncalculation">                         @html.textbox("txtinvestonesecurityidentifier", "", new {                    @class = "txtassigncalculation" })                         </td>                     }                     else                     {                         <td class="tdbackground"></td>                     }                      @if ((model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals                ("both") && !calculationpurpose.tolower().equals("dissemination")) ||                 model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals("hp"))                     {                         <td class="txtassigncalculation">                         @html.textbox("txthpratesourcecurrent", "", new { @class                     = "txtassigncalculation" })                         </td>                     }                     else                     {                         <td class="tdbackground"></td>                     }                     @if (model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals                    ("hp"))                     {                         <td class="txtassigncalculation">                         @html.textbox("txthpratesourceforward", "", new { @class                  = "txtassigncalculation" })                         </td>                     }                     else                     {                         <td class="tdbackground"></td>                     }                       @if ((model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals                  ("both") && !calculationpurpose.tolower().equals("dissemination")) ||                model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals("hp"))                     {                         <td class="ddluserbank">                         @if (model[items].userbankscollection != null)                         {                             @html.dropdownlist("ddluserbank", new selectlist                 ((system.collections.ienumerable)model               [items].userbankscollection, "id", "value"), new {                    @class = "ddluserbank" })                         }                         </td>                     }                     else                     {                         <td class="tdbackground"></td>                     }                      @if ((model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals                 ("both") || model[items].selectedcalculationpurpose.tolower().equals                 ("hp")) && calculationpurpose.equals("hp - performance nav"))                     {                         <td class="ddluserbank">                         @if (model[items].hpratetimecollection != null)                         {                             @html.dropdownlist("ddlhpratetime", new selectlist                   ((system.collections.ienumerable)model                  [items].hpratetimecollection, "id", "value"), new { @class                    = "ddluserbank" })                         }                         </td>                     }                     else                     {                         <td class="tdbackground"></td>                     }                                              }                 }             }                 </tbody>              </table>                </div> 

thanks in advance help

in success callback need handle response , insert recieved html page.

success: function (response) {     $("#id_of_element_to_paste_response").html(response) } 

and change type of request.

datatype: "html", 

answer on comment. first need check response returned server. use fiddler or firebug or else.

if work fine , partial view returns on client successfuly, need edit jquery code.

 $(function () {          $('#btnadd').click(function () {                 var selectedlist = [];      $("#ddlsupplementalcalculationlist option:selected").each(function (i, selected) {            var $this = $(this);            selectedlist.push({ id: $this.val(), value: $this.text() });        });       getcalculationlistgrid(selectedlist)         });      });            function getcalculationlistgrid(selectedlist) {          $.ajax(           {          url: "addselectedlist/supplementalpricing",            type: "post",            datatype: "html", //here edited             traditional: true,                data: {selectedlist: json.stringify(selectedlist)},            success: function (response) { $("#id_of_element_to_paste_response").html(response);//here edited             }           });          } 


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