php - Invoice number having one added to it up to 10, then stopping -
im having strange problem, using following script pull last invoice number database , add 1 it, works fine......until 10 invoices, odd reason keep getting 10 invoice number on , on again.
<?php $sqlinv = <<<sql select max(invoiceid) maxid `sales` sql; if(!$resultinv = $db->query($sqlinv)){ die('there error running query [' . $db->error . ']');} while($rowinv = $resultinv->fetch_assoc()){ $previousinvoiceid = $rowinv['maxid']; } $invoiceid = $previousinvoiceid +1; echo $previousinvoiceid; echo $invoiceid; ?>
$previousinvoiceid echos out 9 $invoiceid echos out 10 if delete few records works again fine, gets 10 starts repeating 10 again, though treats 9 highest number time.
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