File is not under version control when commiting from jenkins to SVN after sccessful build -
building maven (java) project jenkins, commit pom.xml when build process ends (the pom changes during build).
to used conditional buildstep plugin (of jenkins) , triggered following shell command:
svn commit -m "committing pom newly autoincremented version" _workspace/_pox.xml
here how looks:
the commit fails message:
run condition [current build status] enabling perform step [execute shell] [workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + svn commit -m committing pom newly autoincremented version pox.xml svn: e200009: commit failed (details follow): svn: e200009: '/var/lib/jenkins/jenkins-data/jobs/rtb/workspace/pox.xml' not under version control build step 'conditional step (single)' marked build failure [1]: [2]:
i navigated path in jenkins server (/var/lib/jenkins/jenkins-data/jobs/rtb/workspace/) , triggered commit there (using command line) , worked. don't understand why can't done jenkins.
any appreciated.
your screenshot shows _workspace/_pom.xml
yet error shows workspace/pom.xml
. doesn't match up.
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