Number format in Oracle SQL -

i've given task of exporting data oracle view fixed length text file, i've been given specification of how data should exported text file. i.e.

quantity            num         (10)   price               num         (8,2)  participant_id      char        (3)    brokerage           num         (10,2)   cds_fees            num         (8,2)  

my confusion arises in numeric types when says (8,2). if i'm use same text, means

10 characters (as to_char(<field name>, '9999999.99'))  


8 characters (as to_char(<field name>, '99999.99'))  

when exporting fixed length text field in text file?

i looking @ question gave insight, not entirely.

appreciate if enlighten me examples.

thanks lot.

according oracle docs on types

optionally, can specify precision (total number of digits) , scale (number of digits right of decimal point):

if precision not specified, column stores values given. if no scale specified, scale zero.

so in case, number(8,2), has got:

  • 8 digits in total
  • 2 of after decimal point

this gives range of -999999.99 999999.99


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