c# - Why does Runspace.OpenAsync() ignore InitialSessionState? -

i writing code interface powershell. had following:

using (var runspace = runspacefactory.createrunspace(initialsessionstate)) {     runspace.open(); 

this code works fine. however, since code in async method, wrote following experiment:

public static task opentaskasync(this runspace runspace) {     if (runspace.runspacestateinfo.state == runspacestate.opened)         return task.fromresult<object>(null);      var tcs = new taskcompletionsource<object>();     eventhandler<runspacestateeventargs> statehandler = null;     statehandler = (o, e) =>     {         if (e.runspacestateinfo.reason != null)         {             runspace.statechanged -= statehandler;             tcs.trysetexception(e.runspacestateinfo.reason);         }         else if (e.runspacestateinfo.state == runspacestate.opened)         {             runspace.statechanged -= statehandler;             tcs.trysetresult(null);         }     };     runspace.statechanged += statehandler;     runspace.openasync();      return tcs.task; } 

however, after changing code this:

using (var runspace = runspacefactory.createrunspace(initialsessionstate)) {     await runspace.opentaskasync(); 

my tests fail. reason powershell can no longer find commands module imported initialsessionstate (prior runspace creation). cannot determine why is. have debugged , runspace open , available after task completes, , not proceed invoke commands until does. ideas?

i looked @ runspace open code in reflector , see 1 thing might explain it. in localrunspace.doopenhelper() statechanged event (when state changes "opened") occurs before modules imported. looks poll on default drive being set (in initialsessionstate.setsessionstatedrive()) workaround.


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