perl - How to compare two hashes -

i have 2 files have read 2 seperate hashes. first file has 2 columns , looks like:

123456789 11111 234567891 22222 345678912 33333 

the second file has 1 column, looks like:

123456789 010124561 100324531 

i want compare 2 hashes , whenever there match between first columns of 2 files, should print new file results of first column. have far...

#!/usr/bin/perl  use sys::hostname; use lib "$env{home}/common/lib/perl"; use strict; use warnings;  %oid; %oid2; %atom; %newline; $oid; $atom; @line  = (); @line2 = (); @oid   = (); @oid2  = ();  $input  = 'file.txt'; $input2 = 'file2.txt'; $output = 'outputfile.txt';  open (in, "<$input"); open (in2, "<$input2"); open (out, "+>$output");  $line (<in>) {     chomp $line;     @line = split /\t/, $line;     push( @oid, $line[0] );     $oid{ $line[0] }  = $line[0];     $atom{ $line[0] } = $line[1]; }  $line2 (<in2>) {     chomp $line2;     @line2 = split /\t/, $line2;     push( @oid2, $line2[0] );     $oid2{ $line2[0] } = $line2[0]; } 

too code. know unix toolbox!

comm -12 <(cut -d' ' -f1 file1|sort) <(sort file2) 


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