c# - recognize which radio button is checked using enum as value, winforms -
i'm struggling winforms
. inside winform have groupbox
wrap 3 radio buttons
. added them using design view , inside constructor tag every button corresponding enum value like
public myapp() { radiobtnbasic.tag = userchoiceenum.basic; radiobtnlite.tag = userchoiceenum.lite; radiobtnstandard.tag = userchoiceenum.standard; }
inside class have property property of type dictionary
uses enum key, want when user click on winform button recognize radio button checked , assign dictionary.
i've found how fetch checked option
var choice = grpbox1.controls.oftype<radiobutton>().firstordefault(x => x.checked);
do need use switch statement recognize enum checked or there better way?
if set tag
can whenever need. note need cast original type. like:
var choiceasenum = (userchoiceenum)choice.tag;
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