linux - how to make switch execute 2 cases -

how make switch execute 2 cases?

i tried following code, execute first case

#!/bin/sh action="titi"  case "$action" in     toto|titi)     echo "1_$action"     ;;     tata|titi)     echo "2_$action"     ;; esac 

the case statement in bash executes commands in command-list first match only.

however, in bash version 4 or later introduced ;& terminator. ;;& operator ;;, except case statement doesn't terminate after executing associated list - bash continues testing next pattern though previous pattern didn't match. using these terminators, case statement can configured test against patterns, or share code between blocks, example.

reference: excerpt taken

so if have bash v 4 or later give desired result:

#!/bin/sh action="titi"  case "$action" in     toto|titi)     echo "1_$action"     ;;&     tata|titi)     echo "2_$action"     ;; esac 


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