objective c - listout all wi-fi SSID programatically in iphone -
1). want list of wi-fi ssid programatically in iphone.
i try following code give connected ssid detail.
nsarray *ifs = (id)cncopysupportedinterfaces(); nslog(@"%s: supported interfaces: %@", __func__, ifs); id info = nil; (nsstring *ifnam in ifs) { info = (id)cncopycurrentnetworkinfo((cfstringref)ifnam); nslog(@"%s: %@ => %@", __func__, ifnam, info); if (info && [info count]) { break; } [info release]; }
2). question how can identify if come range in wi-fi when wi-fi off. possible identify in range of wi-fi when wi-fi off ?
1) can details current network, such ssid or bssid, using captivenetwork framework you're using in example. apple doesn't allow developers seek other networks in addition 1 user connected.
2) according reachability page, can use library check if user connected via 3g or wifi. can't know if in range when wi-fi set off.
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