Finding Top level parent of each row of a table [SQL Server 2008] -
i have following 2 tables
table person
id name 1 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e
table relationhierarchy
parentid childid 2 1 3 2 4 3
this form tree structure
d | c | b |
parentid , childid foreign keys of id column of person table
i need write sql can fetch me top level parent i-e root of each person.
following cte can each. converted function , ran each row of person. have got 3k rows in person table , takes 10 secs that. can suggest approach can take less. problem function runs following cte runs 3k times
declare @childid int set @childid = 1 --chield search ;with rcte ( select *, 1 lvl relationhierarchy childid = @childid union select rh.*, lvl+1 lvl dbo.relationhierarchy rh inner join rcte rc on rh.childid = rc.parentid ) select top 1 id, name rcte r inner join dbo.person p on = r.parentid order lvl desc
i have updated answer in original question, never-mind, here copy also:
;with rcte ( select parentid, childid, 1 lvl relationhierarchy union select rh.parentid, rc.childid, lvl+1 lvl dbo.relationhierarchy rh inner join rcte rc on rh.childid = rc.parentid ) ,cte_rn ( select *, row_number() on (partition r.childid order r.lvl desc) rn rcte r ) select childid, childname, r.parentid, parentname dbo.person pc left join cte_rn r on = r.childid , rn =1 left join dbo.person pp on = r.parentid
note slight difference in recursive part of cte. childid rewritten each time anchor part. addition row_number() function (and new cte) top level each child @ end.
edit - version2
after finding performance issues first query, here improved version. going top-to-bottom, instead of other way around - eliminating creating of rows in cte, should faster on high number of recursions:
;with rcte ( select parentid, childid, 1 lvl relationhierarchy r1 not exists (select * relationhierarchy r2 r2.childid = r1.parentid) union select rc.parentid, rh.childid, lvl+1 lvl dbo.relationhierarchy rh inner join rcte rc on rc.childid = rh.parentid ) select childid, childname, r.parentid, parentname dbo.person pc left join rcte r on = r.childid left join dbo.person pp on = r.parentid
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