- How to make check boxes checked on a Grid view when one checkbox of a row is checked? -

i have gridview. consisits of 2 checkbox item templates.

<asp:gridview id="gridview2" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false"                      cellpadding="4" forecolor="#333333" gridlines="none"    <columns>     <asp:boundfield datafield="student_name" headertext="student name"            sortexpression="student_name" >         <itemstyle horizontalalign="center"></itemstyle>  </asp:boundfield>                     <asp:boundfield datafield="student_id"      headertext="student id" itemstyle-horizontalalign="center"                         sortexpression="student_id" readonly="true" >       <itemstyle horizontalalign="center"></itemstyle> </asp:boundfield>     <asp:templatefield headertext="practical test">    <itemtemplate>      <asp:checkbox autopostback="false" checked="true" id="checkboxtheory"  runat="server" />      </itemtemplate>         </asp:templatefield>            <asp:templatefield headertext="theory test">    <itemtemplate>     <asp:checkbox autopostback="false" checked="true" id="checkboxpractical" runat="server"  />   </itemtemplate>      </asp:templatefield>      </columns>        

when checking 1 of checkbox of row of grid view ,i wants make check other checkbox automatically..and vice versa.. how possible?

on server side need change checkbox has autopostback="true" , add oncheckedchanged="checkboxtheory_checked" system can postback when select it.

then can use along lines of:

sub checkboxtheory_checked (sender object, e eventargs)     dim checkboxtheory checkbox = sender     dim gvrow gridviewrow = directcast(checkboxtheory.namingcontainer, gridviewrow)     dim checkboxpractical checkbox = gvrow.findcontrol("checkboxpractical")     if checkboxtheory.checked = true         checkboxpractical.checked = true     else         checkboxpractical.checked = false     end if end sub 

this sender checkbox, parent container (or namingcontainer), gridviewrow , find checkboxpractical control , check if against other checkbox value.

this long winded way of doing simplest @ explaining method.


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