LDAP Error While Creating Entry via Eclipse -
error getting in eclipse add entry.
error while creating entry
[ldap: error code 32 - no_such_object: failed messagetype : add_reques java.lang.exception: [ldap: error code 32 - no_such_object: failed messagetype : add_request message id : 48
add request :
dn[n]: dc=user
objectclass: domain
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
dc: user
sn: james
cn: common-name
: err_268 cannot find partition dc=user]
at org.apache.directory.studio.connection.core.io.api.directoryapiconnectionwrapper$6.run(directoryapiconnectionwrapper.java:928) @ org.apache.directory.studio.connection.core.io.api.directoryapiconnectionwrapper.runandmonitor(directoryapiconnectionwrapper.java:1175) @ org.apache.directory.studio.connection.core.io.api.directoryapiconnectionwrapper.checkconnectionandrunandmonitor(directoryapiconnectionwrapper.java:1109) @ org.apache.directory.studio.connection.core.io.api.directoryapiconnectionwrapper.createentry(directoryapiconnectionwrapper.java:950) @ org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.jobs.createentryrunnable.createentry(createentryrunnable.java:224) @ org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.jobs.createentryrunnable.run(createentryrunnable.java:124) @ org.apache.directory.studio.connection.ui.runnablecontextrunner$1.run(runnablecontextrunner.java:112) @ org.eclipse.jface.operation.modalcontext$modalcontextthread.run(modalcontext.java:121)
[ldap: error code 32 - no_such_object: failed messagetype : add_request message id : 48
add request :
dn[n]: dc=user objectclass: domain objectclass: top objectclass: person dc: user sn: james cn: common-name
: err_268 cannot find partition dc=user]
error message states there more 1 structural objectclass in object, causes objectclass violation. examine set of objectclasses (array of values objectclass attribute) , , compare other existing entry. able read output, have cut off much, including actual error, error not visible, in edit history..
you should read ldif/ldap manual page, understand how entries constructed. objectclass attribute can contain many classes, 1 structural , remaining ones auxiliary. various objectclasses require 1 or more other attributes. classes permitted used structural or auxiliary schema.
"none such object" when adding entries may indicate various things, e.g. including bad dn (nonexisting branch under you're trying add new object.)
i suggest dump other entry ( use copy text option in directorystudio ), change 1 or 2 variables, , re-add. possibly shell, understand how ldif supposed like. once you'll able add 1 entry successfully, you'll able add bunch of them. read ldif format , how schema requirements/validation works.
edit: entry contains invalid dn ( should dn: dc=james, ou=somedepartment, c=somecountry ), unlikely rdn rootdse. why receive "invalid partition" error. find out difference between full dn (distinguished name) , rdn ( relative distinguished name ) of entry.
you have 3 object classess, each of them may or must contain specific attributes, possibly of them must present single 1 in entry etc. @ existing entries, , start copying 1 text , apply simple modification, e.g. changing username or other attribute new value ( occurences within entry ).
good luck :)
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