ios - Refreshing RSSI value of many bluetooth peripherals -

i'm trying mesure rssi indicator on ios (6 ble) several bluetooth peripheral. can rssi scanforperipheral :

nsdictionary *options = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:[nsnumber numberwithbool:yes], cbcentralmanagerscanoptionallowduplicateskey, nil];  [_manager scanforperipheralswithservices:nil                                  options:options]; 

coupled with:

- (void)centralmanager:(cbcentralmanager *)central diddiscoverperipheral:(cbperipheral *)peripheral advertisementdata:(nsdictionary *)advertisementdata rssi:(nsnumber *)rssi { 

this works have no control on rate of packets receive , result seems uncertain.

i've read : rate not close 100ms @ (more 1~2 seconds)

if i'm connected device result readrssi seems more reliable.

i'm looking way "stimulate" peripherals more frequents updates in scan mode or way connect more 1 peripheral @ time.


edit : i've tried start / stop scan quickly, seems @ start scan detects more devices , updates more frequent

i'm sure you've figured out in case comes across (like did) looking other info, if you're not using other ios devices corelocation need call peripheraldidupdaterssi: delegate using [self.myperipheral readrssi];.

you can call rssi data updates in didupdatevalueforcharacteristic: once in updatevalue delegate.

you don't need in viewdidload: nsdictionary *options = etc... nsdictionary created in diddiscoverperipheral: delegate.

so overall flow be:

check receiving rssi in nslog obtained rssi data...

- (void)centralmanager:(cbcentralmanager *)central diddiscoverperipheral:(cbperipheral *)peripheral advertisementdata:(nsdictionary *)advertisementdata rssi:(nsnumber *)rssi{  nsstring *localname = [advertisementdata objectforkey:cbadvertisementdatalocalnamekey];   if ([localname length] > 0){     nslog(@"discovered: %@ rssi: %@",, rssi);     // other needs ... } 

call peripheraldidupdaterssi: here since updates occur continuously if you've set notify value yes [peripheral setnotifyvalue:yes forcharacteristic:characteristic];

- (void) peripheral:(cbperipheral *)peripheral didupdatevalueforcharacteristic:(cbcharacteristic *)characteristic error:(nserror *)error{  //call peripheraldidupdaterssi delegate .. [self.myperipheral readrssi];  // of other characteristic value updates here  } 

readrssi call delegate perform rssi updates on uilabel (or whatever you're using) every time update previous characteristics values:

- (void)peripheraldidupdaterssi:(cbperipheral *)peripheral error:(nserror *)error; { _rssilabel.text = [self.myperipheral.rssi stringvalue]; nslog(@"rssi method”);    } 

if don't need characteristic values app run loop in there whatever timing need rssi value refresh.


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