templates - I cannot see the sub content when I click {{#linkTo}} in emberJs -
i' see sub content when click {{#linkto}} using emberjs
template file
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="application"> {{outlet}} </script> <script type="text/x-handlebars" id="markets/sources"> {{#each model }} <span>{{source_channel}}</span> <span>{{handle}}</span> {{/each}} </script> <script type="text/x-handlebars" id="markets"> <div class="leftside"> {{#each model }} <span>{{name}}</span> <span>{{created}}</span> {{#linkto 'markets.sources' class="link" }}<span>go to</span>{{/linkto}} {{/each}} </div> <div class="rightside"> {{outlet}} </div> </script>
this file define route.
var app = ember.application.create(); app.router.map(function() { this.route("index", {path: "/"}); this.resource('markets', {path: "/markets"}, function() { this.route("sources", { path: "/:markets_id" }); }); }); app.indexroute = ember.route.extend({ redirect: function() { this.transitionto('markets'); } }); app.marketsroute = ember.route.extend({ model: function () { return app.markets.find(); } }); app.marketssourcesroute = ember.route.extend({ model: function(){ return app.sources.find(); }, serialize: function(model) { return { markets_id: model.id }; } });
this model file
app.store = ds.store.extend({ revision: 12, adapter: ds.fixtureadapter }); app.markets = ds.model.extend({ name: ds.attr("string"), created: ds.attr("string") }); app.sources = ds.model.extend({ source_channel: ds.attr("string"), handle: ds.attr("handle") }); app.sources.fixtures = [ {id:1, markets_id:"1310", source_channel:"sc1", handle: "hn1"}, {id:2, markets_id:"1310", source_channel:"sc2", handle: "hn2"}, {id:3, markets_id:"1310", source_channel:"sc3", handle: "hn3"}, {id:4, markets_id:"1512", source_channel:"sc4", handle: "hn4"}, {id:5, markets_id:"1512", source_channel:"sc5", handle: "hn5"} ]; app.markets.fixtures = [ {id:"1310", name:"test1", created:"2012-2-3" }, {id:"1320", name:"test2", created:"2012-2-13" }, {id:"1512", name:"test3", created:"2012-2-23" } ];
this controller part
app.marketscontroller = ember.objectcontroller.extend({}); app.marketssourcescontroller = ember.objectcontroller.extend({});
in here, can not see result want._ , display black content in right side when click anchor tag in left side
think, "sources" model not integrated "markets/soruces" template.
i'd see correct result sources model when click anchor tag in leftside.
if possible, i'd see result on jsbin or jsfiddle
the reason app.markets
doesn't contain properties source_channel
, handle
you might have expected model
hook of app.marketssourcesroute
called correct model. model
wouldn't have been called , pass via linkto
helper model, in case single row in app.markets
. said in ember guides
a route dynamic segment have model hook called when entered via url. if route entered through transition (e.g. when using linkto handlebars helper), model context provided , hook not executed. routes without dynamic segments execute model hook.
so it'll better call app.sources.find()
in setupcontroller
called always.
i've updated jsbin. revert if have queries.
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