jquery - form sent by action instead of javascript although return false -

my question goes little bit deeper written in headline. let me explain situation. i´m building form buying product divided in steps through plugin formtowizard using jquery. furthermore i´m using validate validate , customizable effects , reveal.js zurb (sorry can´t post more links because of missing reputation) nice modals handle occurring errors.

my proceeding:

  • the validate function started when website finished loading , when form submitted scans whole form again.
  • so told validate set variable error true if there´s error , set false if there´s no error.
  • afterwards should call function send() deals modals , sending of form.
  • it has got return false inside prevent html send natural way.

my problem:

  1. as code of function send becomes big isn´t proceeded anymore , interrupted .php file called action tag of form.
  2. if reduce numbers of lines in function send() works way should. these additional lines important.

so can avoid this?

i´ve tried wrap both functions in $("#auftragsform").submit() function didn´t work either. i´ve tried whole bunch of things , thought of know , can do, don´t find solution.

here´s code:

$(window).load(function(){             $('#auftragsformular').walidate({             submitselector: 'input[type="submit"]',             doifallisvalid: function() {                 error = false;                 send();             },             doifsomethingisinvalid: function() {                 error = true;                 send();             }         }); // initalize form         $('#name').walidate('validate'); // make element required         $('#email').walidate('validate', {             eventhandler: 'blur keyup',             expression: /^([a-za-z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-za-z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-za-z]{2,10})+$/,             invalid: function() {                                   $(this).tiptip({ delay: 100, defaultposition: "top", activation: "focus" });             },         });         $('#plz').walidate('validate');         $('#ort').walidate('validate');         $('#strasse').walidate('validate');         $('#hausnr').walidate('validate');         $('#hoehe').walidate('validate');         $('#breite').walidate('validate');         $('input[type=radio][name=varianten]').walidate('validate');         $('#agb').walidate('validate'); });  function send(){     if (error == false) {         if (is_not_bot()) {             var name = $("#name").val();             var email = $("#email").val();             var adresse = $("#uebersicht_d").text();             var auftrag = $("#uebersicht_a").text();              $.post('assets/scripts/php/auftragform.php', "name=" + name + "&email=" + email + "&adresse=" + adresse + "&auftrag=" + auftrag, function(msg) {                     $("#form").slideup(1000);                     $("#answer").delay(1000).fadein(1500);                     console.log(msg);                });         }         return false;     }      if (error == true) {         $('#errormodal').reveal();         if ($("#versteckt_variante:checked").val() == "nix") {             $("#alert_varianten").show();             $("#felderhardcopy").hide();         }         if (!$("#agb").attr("checked")) {             $("label[for=agb]").css("color", "red");         }         $("#step0").show();         $("#step1").hide();         $("#step2").hide();         $("#senden").hide();         selectstep(1);         return false;     } } 


<form title="auftrag" id="auftragsformular" action="assets/scripts/php/auftragform.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">              <div id="formcontainer">             <fieldset title="kontaktdaten" id="kontakt">              <legend> ihre daten </legend>                  <div class="left">                     <label for="firma"> firma</label>                     <p> <input type="text" name="firma" id="firma" placeholder="ihre firma" > </p>                      <label for="name"> name</label>                     <p> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="ihr kompletter name (erforderlich)"> </p>                      <label for="email"> email-adresse</label>                      <p> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" placeholder="ihre email (erforderlich)">                      <a href="#" class="tip-trigger help"><span style="top: -150px;">eine korrekte, existierende email-adresse wie z.b. max.mustermann@online.de ist erforderlich! kommas, umlaute, klammern und sonderzeichen sind verboten!</span>?</a>                     </p>                      <label for="tel"> telefon</label>                      <p> <input type="tel" name="tel" id="tel" placeholder="ihre telefonnummer">                          <a href="#" class="tip-trigger"><span style="top: -110px;">durch ihre telefonnummer können wir sie schneller erreichen</span>?</a>                     </p>                 </div>                  <div class="left">                     <label for="plz"> postleitzahl</label>                      <p> <input type="number" name="plz" id="plz" placeholder="ihre postleitzahl (erforderlich)"></p>                      <label for="ort">ort</label>                      <p> <input type="text" name="ort" id="ort" placeholder="ihr wohnort (erforderlich)"></p>                      <label for="strasse"> straße</label>                      <p> <input type="text" name="strasse" id="strasse" placeholder="ihre straße (erforderlich)"></p>                      <label for="hausnr"> hausnr.</label>                      <p> <input type="number" name="hausnr" id="hausnr" placeholder="ihre hausnummer (erforderlich)"></p>                 </div>                  <div class="clear"></div>             </fieldset>                 <fieldset title="auftrag" id="auftrag">             <legend> der auftrag </legend>                  <label for="hoehe"> maße des sicherungskasten(cm)</label>                 <p> <input type="number" name="hoehe" id="hoehe" placeholder="höhe (erforderlich)"> </p>                 <p style=""> <input type="number" name="breite" id="breite" placeholder="breite (erforderlich)"></p>                   <div style="position: relative">                     <label> wählen sie die art des auftrags </label><p></p>                     <div class="left radio">                         <label for="vorlage"> <img src="assets/images/cupcake.jpg" height="200px"/><br/> motiv aus den vorlagen auswählen</label> <br/>                         <input type="radio" class="radio" name="varianten" id="vorlage" value="ausgewählte vorlage" style="display:none;">                     </div>                     <div class="left radio">                         <label for="digital"> <img src="assets/images/placeholder.png" height="200px"/><br/> ein bild hochladen</label> <br/>                         <input type="radio" class="radio" name="varianten" id="digital" value="ein digitales bild hochladen" style="display:none;">                     </div>                     <div class="left radio">                         <label for="hardcopy"> <img src="assets/images/hardcopy.jpg" height="200px"/><br/> ein gedrucktes bild einsenden </label> <br/>                         <input type="radio" class="radio" name="varianten" id="hardcopy" value="ein bild einsenden" style="display:none;">                     </div>                     <input type="radio" class="radio" name="varianten" id="versteckt_variante" value="nix" style="display:none;">                      <div class="clear"></div>                     <div id="alert_varianten" class="alert"> bitte wählen sie eine variante aus!</div>                 </div> 

left parts out, because form huge. if seem important don´t think, because regardless fields, post them.

        <p> <input type="checkbox" id="agb" name="agb" value="agb" style="width: auto;"> <label for="agb">um einen auftrag abzuschicken müssen sie die <a href="../agb">agb</a> akzeptieren</label></p>      </fieldset>      <p class="nosee">       <label for="your_email">this isn´t requested, robot detection field:</label>       <input id="your_email" name="your_email" size="60" value="" />     </p>      <input type="submit" value="abschicken" id="senden" class="buttonwichtig">  </div> </form> 

instead of trying use global variable, how this:

$(window).load(function(){         $('#auftragsformular').walidate({         submitselector: 'input[type="submit"]',         doifallisvalid: function() {             return send(false);         },         doifsomethingisinvalid: function() {             return send(true);         }     });     // ...     // code removed brevity });  function send(error) {     if (!error) {         if (is_not_bot()) {             var name = $("#name").val();             var email = $("#email").val();             var adresse = $("#uebersicht_d").text();             var auftrag = $("#uebersicht_a").text();              $.post('assets/scripts/php/auftragform.php', "name=" + name + "&email=" + email + "&adresse=" + adresse + "&auftrag=" + auftrag, function(msg) {                 $("#form").slideup(1000);                 $("#answer").delay(1000).fadein(1500);                 console.log(msg);                });         }     } else {         $('#errormodal').reveal();         if ($("#versteckt_variante:checked").val() == "nix") {             $("#alert_varianten").show();             $("#felderhardcopy").hide();         }         if (!$("#agb").attr("checked")) {             $("label[for=agb]").css("color", "red");         }         $("#step0").show();         $("#step1, #step2, #senden").hide();         selectstep(1);     }     return false; } 


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