python - Django FieldError and AttributeError exceptions after adding new field to model -

i'm writing multipurpose web application, , data model in flux.

i have class client defined as

class client(models.model):     client = models.integerfield(primary_key=true, db_column = "client_id")     client_name = models.charfield(max_length=100l, unique = true)     parentorg = models.foreignkey("parentorgs")     demo_client = models.integerfield()     live_client = models.integerfield(db_column = "live_client")      class meta:         db_table = 'txn_client' 

the last field, live_client, has been added. fliter field differentiate between active , inactive client objects. rather relying on data migration, did alter table statement in mysql add field , set 1 relevant records. has worked in past 0 issues.

in view method, have

from app.models import client  def index(request):     client_list = client.objects.filter(live_client = 1) 

suddenly, throwing fielderror, because django cannot resolve keyword 'live_client' field, , displays alternative keywords.

to make sure model record replicating database table, ran

python inspectdb 

and client class in replicated inspectdb printout.

for further testing, changed index method

def index(request): client_list = client.objects.all()  c in client_list:     print c.live_client 

this in turn threw attributeerror stating 'client' object has no attribute 'live_client'

now, contradicting defined in both , printout python inspectdb


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