Providing security for Restful Web Services into existing Spring security 3.1 -

hi going integrate authentication restful web services in web application. integrate spring security 3.1 entire application , working good; confused , stuck, how integrate security web services in existing application? here existing security configuration authentication , authorization.

securityapplicationcontext.xml :

<beans:bean id="myaccessdecisionmanager"         class="">         <beans:property name="customauthenticatiuonservice" ref="customauthenticatiuonserviceimpl"> </beans:property>     </beans:bean>      <http auto-config="true" once-per-request="true"         access-decision-manager-ref="myaccessdecisionmanager" access-denied-page="/jsp/errorpage.jsp">          <intercept-url pattern="/*.web" access="role_anonymous" /> <intercept-url pattern="productsservice/*.web" access="role_admin" />          <!-- override default login , logout pages -->         <form-login login-page="/" login-processing-url="/j_spring_security_check"             default-target-url="/login/"             authentication-failure-url="/" />         <logout logout-url="/j_spring_security_logout"             logout-success-url="/" invalidate-session="true" />          <session-management invalid-session-url="/"             session-fixation-protection="newsession">             <concurrency-control max-sessions="100"                 error-if-maximum-exceeded="false" />         </session-management>     </http>      <authentication-manager>         <authentication-provider ref="customauthenticationprovider"></authentication-provider>     </authentication-manager>      <beans:bean id="customauthenticationprovider"         class="">         <beans:property name="customauthenticatiuonservice" ref="customauthenticatiuonserviceimpl"> </beans:property>     </beans:bean>      <beans:bean id="customauthenticatiuonserviceimpl"         class="com.service.impl.customauthenticatiuonserviceimpl">         <beans:property name="customauthenticationdao" ref="customauthenticationdaotarget"> </beans:property>     </beans:bean>      <beans:bean id="customauthenticationdaotarget" class="com.dao.impl.customauthenticatiuondaoimpl">         <beans:property name="hibernatetemplate" ref="cesshibernatetemplate"/>     </beans:bean> 

now looking secure web services follows:

my web service:

@component @path("/productsservice") //@requestmapping("/productsservice") @scope("request") @controller public class productscontroller {      @autowired     private productsservice products;      @get     @path("/getproductslist.lbt") //  @requestmapping("/getproductslist.lbt")     @produces("text/plain")     public string getproductslist() {         return products.getproductslist();     } }   @service("products") public class productsservice {      @secured("role_admin")     public string getproductslist() {                return "test string rest web service";     } } 

and last client class:

public static void main(string[] args) {         client c = client.create();      // plain text     webresource r = c             .resource("http://localhost:8080/productsservice/getproductslist.web");     c.addfilter(new httpbasicauthfilter("admin", "admin"));     c.setfollowredirects(false);     system.out.println("plain text=>> " + r.get(string.class));  } 

i using customauthenticationmanager , myaccessdecisionmanger authentication , authorization of user. when use @path annotation on controller , debug debugger not go controller , throws error 402 not found , when use @requestmapping goes when returning controller error @ client side 302 found. how resolve this? please me. in advance.

you should use 2 http tags. 1 web application , other 1 rest api. let's say, can use entry point web/** web app , entry point api/** rest api. propaply want secure api http basic, web app should work form login (that uses java session) , rest api http basic authentication. rest apis better secured oauth 2, depending on size or audience of application overkill.


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