java - call get methods for different classes behind one another -

i have class name "constituentset". has 1 method namely "getnucleusinconstset()" output "proposition" class . new class "proposition" have method namely "getproperty()". want know propertry of "proposition nucleus" in class "constituentset". not know how can that. wrote follow not work. (constituentset.getnucleusinconstset()).getproperty())

public class constituentset{       // constructor        private proposition nucleusinconstset;             public proposition getnucleusinconstset() {            return nucleusinconstset;       }   }      public class proposition{            //constructor           private property property;            public property getproperty() {        return this.type;      }   } 

you have:


but need call instance of constituentset


constituentset cs = new constituentset(); cs.getnucleusinconstset().getproperty(); 

note idiom (chained method calls) can pain. if 1 of methods returns null, it's difficult understand 1 (without using debugger). note invocations of form a().b().c().d() subtle form of broken encapsulation (a reveals has b, reveals has c etc.)


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