windows - Batch script - files to folders - with addition -

i'm working in company has far many (millions) of record forms need organising.

each file uses following naming structure:
xxxxx-xx-xx-xxxxx e.g. 43144-02-40-21324.<ext>

i've used in past batch script puts files folder of same name, i'm looking different.

i'd end following folder structure:
c:\[root directory]\43144\02\40\21324.pdf

is possible? knowledge of batch scripts non existant, have ability throw together?

thanks in advance, david

@echo off setlocal set "sourcedir=." set "destdir=u:\temp" /f "tokens=1,2,3,*delims=-" %%a in ('dir /b/a-d "%sourcedir%\*-*-*-*"') (  md "%destdir%\%%a\%%b\%%c" 2>nul  if exist "%destdir%\%%a\%%b\%%c\%%d" (echo "%destdir%\%%a\%%b\%%c\%%d" exists  ) else (    move "%sourcedir%\%%a-%%b-%%c-%%d" "%destdir%\%%a\%%b\%%c\%%d" >nul   ) ) goto :eof 

this should set on right track - need set source , destination directories...


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