heroku - Mysql and Nitrious IO -

i created rails box in nitrous io. rails boxes come predefined use sqlite3 want use mysql2. since can't use mysql box because fires error can't connect socket, can connect box free database service in heroku. created account in heroku, , logged in box heroku. having problems linking database (cleardb) rails box in nitrousio, since show procedure link postgres db.

my database.yml file has following:

development:  adapter: mysql2  encoding: utf8  database: testdb_development  pool: 5  username: root  password:  host: localhost 

did configure development settings within database.yml file? need change host, username, , password fields listed above match settings of cleardb.

here post states how retrieve host database url: remote connect cleardb heroku database

on top corner click on addons , select cleardb mysql database. once there, click on database , choose 'endpoint information' tab. there see username/password. url database can acquired running heroku config --app

in case, like: mysql://user:pass@us-cdbr-east.cleardb.com/table?reconnect=true need part: us-cdbr-east.cleardb.com


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