ios - continuously incrementing values of label by pressing the button -

here main screen

(newbie in ios dev) main screen, screen .ccbi file , buttons images i've linked in code , implementing methods. doing when click plus button value increments 1 same on negative button case. each time i've click button increase/decrease value. want when press button values should keep increasing until un-touch button.? how can this? read somewhere done using cclayer touchbegin(); not find material me understanding mechanism. suggestions?

you can using timer , 2 ibactions.

declare timer , 2 ibaction like:

@property (nonatomic) nstimer *timer; - (ibaction)inc:(id)sender; - (ibaction)stop:(id)sender; 

and implement method like:

- (ibaction)increment:(id)sender {     _timer = [nstimer scheduledtimerwithtimeinterval:.1 target:self selector:@selector(inc) userinfo:nil repeats:yes]; } - (ibaction)stop:(id)sender {     [_timer invalidate]; }  - (void)inc {     //increment , set text value here } 

the important thing:

connect increment: function touch down event of uibutton , stop: function touch inside event


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