angularjs - Directive that inserts code before and after self -
i getting used doing things "angular" way, please excuse if break major rules or best practices.
i trying generate directive have input field icon on right side clear contents.
i want write in html:
<input clearable-input ng-model="name">
i tried use directive so:
directives.directive("clearableinput", function($compile, $parse) { return { scope: false, replace: false, transclude: false, restrict: "a", link: function( scope, element, attrs, controller){ var pre = "<span style='position: relative;'>" + " <span style='padding-right: 16px; width: 100%;' ng-transclude>"; var post =" </span>" + " <span class='clicktoclear' style=\"position: absolute; display: block; top: -2px; right: 0px; width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url('images/sprites.png') 0 -690px; cursor: pointer;\" ng-click=''></span>" + "</span>"; element.insertbefore(pre); element.insertafter(post); element.find("span.clicktoclear").on( "click", function(){ var parsed = $parse(attrs["clearableinput"]); if( parsed.assign ) { parsed.assign( scope, ""); } scope.$digest(); }); } };
this not work expected @ all. have come wrap around input has "clearable-input" attribute. can work "replace: true" , "transclude: true" , able use input field have in html.
did create directive adds code before , after itself?
thanks help.
you not using ng-tranclude
correctly. have tried emulate scenario in fiddle. have look
basically need create template, , add ng-transclude
there. not in link function.
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