TinyMCE multiple CSS classes -

i’ve been looking way this. have style sheet loaded tinymce. style sheet generated via content management system based of active template. problem can not tinymce let me select multiple css classes signle element. here example:

.left_round_thumb_small {      width:65px;     height:65px;     border-radius:35px;     -moz-border-radius:35px;     -webkit-border-radius:35px;     -khtml-border-radius:35px;     background:url(/skins/msc_2013/images/lines.png) repeat;      float:left;      margin:0 25px 0 0; } .center_round_thumb_large {      width:162px;     height:162px;     border-radius:85px;     -moz-border-radius:85px;     -webkit-border-radius:85px;     -khtml-border-radius:85px;     background:url(/skins/msc_2013/images/lines.png) repeat;      position:relative;     margin:0 25px 0 0; }  .round_border_black {border:1px solid black;} .round_border_red {border:1px solid red;} .round_border_blue {border:1px solid #00aeef;} .round_border_green {border:1px solid #3cb64b;} 

now know go in , like:

tinymce.init({     style_formats : [         {title: 'left thumb black', classes: 'left_round_thumb_small round_border_black'},         {title: 'center thumb blue', classes: 'center_round_thumb_small round_border_blue'},     ] }); 

now seeing style sheet loaded tinymce generated based of cms’s active template. if change template have change style code. come major hassle in future.

so knows of code patch style selector or plugin let me this?

see below usage of content_css multiple css files

tinymce.init({   selector: 'textarea',   height: 500,   theme: 'modern',   plugins: [     'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak',     'searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen',     'insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality',     'emoticons template paste textcolor colorpicker textpattern imagetools'   ],   toolbar1: 'insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image',   toolbar2: 'print preview media | forecolor backcolor emoticons',   image_advtab: true,   templates: [     { title: 'test template 1', content: 'test 1' },     { title: 'test template 2', content: 'test 2' }   ],   **content_css: [     '//fast.fonts.net/cssapi/e6dc9b99-64fe-4292-ad98-6974f93cd2a2.css',     '//www.tinymce.com/css/codepen.min.css']**  }); 


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